• L-Ghajn - The Eye - A Mediterranean widely used superstition symbol. The Eye is also known as the Eye of Osiris in other cultures. Same meaning - that to protect from misfortune. Dimensions – Length:20cm, Width:15cm, Depth: 4.5-7cm
  • Maltese Cross – Dedicated to Knights of St John that governed Malta between 1530 up to  1798.  The eight pointed Cross has a purpose and a meaning.  The eight countries from where the Nights of St John originated and the eight beatitudes which Jesus expressed  as per the gospel of Matthew. Dimensions – Length:20cm, Width:15cm, Depth: 4.5-7cm
  • Il-Bejta

    Il-Bejta – Nest is the symbol of family and protection. The Nest is where the Love between two creates the right environment to grow into a family.
  • Il-Bebbuxu

    Il-Bebbuxu – The snail is just unique – we have decided to leave the comments and feelings to you. Someone might interpret as the Home, the Protection or maybe the Wise, Slow but Focused snail.
  • Skorfna

    Skorfna – The Mediterranean Queen of fish . . . the ugliest of them all but the most sought for. Found around Malta in various red and orange shades, nevertheless appreciated and considered as the Queen on the table.
  • Habib Fidil

    Habib Fidil – What a great company – someone once said “The Dog is the best Man’s friend” I agree . . . Do you?
  • Il-Pjanu

    Il-Pjanu – Such a wonderful piece of instrument that with so few key notes manage to produce such a vast number of emotions, feelings, joyfulness and above all lightness. As Maestro Mariella has suggested "Maybe it can also be a reflection of one’s inner soul . . . "
  • Il-Lumi

    Il-Lumi – The lemon is part of our Mediterranean culture. We use it with practically everywhere and for everything. You ….? enjoy it as you wish.
  • Hypogeum

    Hypogeum – This spiral symbol can be called also the tree of life or the infinite spiral tree.  The artist had in mind the spiral designs found in Maltese Neolithic temples especially at the Hypogeum, where its believed that there could have taken place veneration of the dead and spiritual transformation.
  • Bukket

    Flower arrangement – Bukket of flowers. This is part of a wide range of floral depictions inspired the many wild flowers found especially at Had-Dingli area.
  • Ix-Xorti

    Ix-Xorti – Fortune, has been part of the Maltese Culture and Superstition for ages.  On a small island like Malta "ix-xorti" played a big role in the local superstition and beliefs.  "Ix-Xorti t-tajba" is used a lot to wish one good luck in an important venture or decision.  
  • Joker

    Joker – Do you feel LUCKY  . . . The Joker personifying fortune and luck  . . let see how it ends . . . !! Enjoy playing !  
  • Ir-Re u Ir-Regina – Two of the highest cards, here resembling the male and the female, the King and the Queen.  Important to note . . .the Queen is always on top!  
  • Il-Loghob ta’ l-Azzard  - The playing cards collection. It was very common in previous years to meet, while walking around a village small groups of friends and neighbours passing time playing cards relaxing and socialising.  
  • Iz-Ziemel tal-Bahar – What a mysterious and astonishing creature; The seahorse - also found in the Maltese blue waters.  
  • Ghar Dalam

    Ghar Dalam – This is a prehistoric cave in the south of Malta.  Lots of carcases have been found here that are native of north and central Africa. This is a proof that Malta once was connected to the north of Africa, a time when the Mediterranean basin was still a lake.  
  • Ir-Rummiena

    Ir-Rummiena – The pomegranate has been on the Maltese islands since the Phoenicians. It’s a very refreshing fruit especially in the summer hot days; it also symbolises sanctity, fertility, and abundance for the Maltese culture.
  • Milied #5

    For an exclusive Christmas, your exclusive "Lucentini".
  • Milied #4

    For an exclusive Christmas, your exclusive "Lucentini".
  • Milied #2

    For an exclusive Christmas, your exclusive "Lucentini".
  • Il-Lewza

    The Almond tree - This tree is very important in Malta. Through the Almond tree, farmers use their pruning skills to get other fruit trees like the peaches, prunes and others out of the almond tree itself.
  • In-Naghla

    The horseshoe – Besides its important use it is mostly used as a tarot (superstition) in many houses above doorways mostly to protect and give good fortune.
  • Labirint

    The Maze – Labirint is mostly used metaphorically indicating a way without clear direction or a problem without a clear solution.
  • Il-Barbagan

    This is an indigenous and protected type of Owl that is still found in the Maltese country side. A symbol of wisdom like in many other cultures.
  • Il-Ħsad

    The harvest is a very important time of year for the farm to support for the coming winter period. Hsad is also a metaphor used a lot in poems and in colloquial Maltese.
  • Virtu

    The hearts represent the four Cardinal Virtues – Prudence / Courage/ Temperance and Justice. These are considered as the basicvirtues required for a virtuous life.
  • Il-Ħelsien

    Freedom day – 31st March 1979 – One of the 5 National Holidays. Freedom Day for Malta came at a high cost where a lot of lives were lost. It is good to note that Il- Helsien for Malta brought for the first time in History full freedom and self-Governance to the Islands.
  • Independence day – 21st September 1964 - is one of the five national holidays in Malta. It celebrates the day the country gained independence from the United Kingdom.
  • Bidu u Tmiem

    The α and Ω have long been a symbol of the circle of life. This depiction is very common in Baroque paintings. Good to note that this design is painted on the alfresco in the Crypt of the Cathedral of St. John in Valletta.
  • Ir-Republika

    The Maltese National Coat of Arms for The Republic of Malta – 13thDecember 1974
  • Il-Kurazza

    Il-Kurazza is the Maltese name for the metal armour for the upper body of a Knight. Here we are recreating the Kurazza protecting the Knight on the left-hand side and hence protecting also his heart.
  • Is-Soll

    Is- Soll is the counter leaver supporting the Maltese Balconies. This particular one here is an elaborate décor sculptured on the counter leaver acting also as an Amulet to protect the house from evil eye.
  • Il-Lapida

    The tomb stone - This is a common decoration, part of intricate work in marble commonly  found in churches  and cathedrals on the floor or on walls. The floors of Churches and Cathedrals were used as graveyards for important people or benefactors.
  • The Crown

    The Crown symbol of power, victory, triumph, honour, glory and immortality. The Crown is vastly used in the Maltese tradition, being also used by the church to glorify God and saints. It is also the symbol used extensively in weddings for the bride being the Queen of the night.
  • San Gwann

    St John Cathedral – This tile is dedicated to the stunning architecture and decoration of the Co-Cathedral of St John. Good to note that 3 Grandmasters have helped to embellish this Cathedral to its current Glory.
  • Maltese Cross – Dedicated to Knights of St John that governed Malta between 1530 up to  1798.  The eight pointed Cross has a purpose and a meaning.  The eight countries from where the Nights of St John originated and the eight beatitudes which Jesus expressed  as per the gospel of Matthew.
  • L-Imħabba

    These three words support each other to make love the ultimate expression of care and truth. Mixed with the local Bizzilla it shows the patience, dedication and love  local housewives did this intricate job.
  • L-Għajn

    The Eye – This is widely used on the forefront of the colorful Maltese “ Luzzu” (fishing boat) to protect the fishermen from misfortune. Its is also widely found in many Mediterranean countries.
  • Ix-Xemx

    Sun – Symbolises life, Warmth, Happiness, Joy, Charm, Glory, Splendour  – Sunny Malta – Xemx is also widely used colloquially to personify beauty,  brightness, braveness, intelligence amongst others. It is extensively used in local traditional songs and poems.
  • Is-Salib

    The Cross – For the Maltese through its strong Catholic roots,  this symbol is sacred. It represents hope, believe, truth and all that is spiritual. This is a simple Baroque Cross used by the Knights of St John during liturgical Services.
  • Inħobbok

    I love you – This strong and quite rough sounded word is nothing more then an expression of love and care. Then lets Inhobbok all the way.
  • Il-Palma

    The Palm – This depiction is dedicated to ta palm tree so synonymous with the Mediterranean region. The palm leaves are also very widely used by the fisherman among others during the Lampuki season between End of August and end of November.
  • Kavallieri

    The Knights of St John – The order was founded  in 1099 and still active till today. The Knights have built Valletta and managed to win over the Ottoman Empire in the great Seige of 1565 with the help of the brave Maltese.
  • Il-Qoton

    The Cotton – This particular design of the cotton is carved on the wall in one of the side altars at the Cathedral of St John. The cotton had a very strong commercial value at the times of the Knights. It was considered as wealth and good fortune being the raw material to manufacture sails for the ships at that time.  
  • Il-Ħobbejża

    Lavatera cretica  -  It’s botanical name. It is widely found in the wild. The plant grows to a size of a small tree with dark green leaves and a beautiful pink/ velvety flower. In the Maltese poetry George Zammit had dedicated a poem for this particular plant.
  • Fjura

    Flower – Is the symbol of beauty, life, charm and vanity.” Fjura” is used a lot in colloquial Maltese, where it is used as a noun personifying beauty, youth, unique among others.
  • Bongu

    Good morning – Bongu is one of the words that most of the tourists learn when visiting our beautiful island. It comes from Bonjour in French. It is also used by locals to great one another.
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